eAccess+ logo
(European Commission 7th Framework Programme, CIP-ICT-PSP-2009-3, Project 250568)

eAccess+ aimed at establishing and systematically developing a cooperative platform for co-ordinating, supporting and improving the implementation of eAccessibility throughout Europe. By involving all stakeholder groups it analysed the state of the art and in particular the obstacles or missing links hindering a broader uptake of eAccessibility. The network first identified and consulted all relevant stakeholder groups, analysed and discussed with them the state of the art, supported stakeholders in working on key issues to foster eAccessibility and disseminated experiences and knowledge all over Europe. Finally a roadmap was defined to help find appropriate future actions to support eAccessibility. eAccess+ was driven by 25 core members from all over Europe. Their core task was to involve all stakeholder groups at national level and to expand the network by a group of Associated Partners. Out of the wide range of topics related to eAccessibility, eAccess+ focused particularly on fostering the implementation of 1) web accessibility, 2) accessible convergent communications and accessible digital audio-visual systems and 3) self-service terminals (SSTs) and devices for banking and financial services, public transport, tourism and cultural heritage, e-government, Now AAATE is still committed to go on staying involved in these network activities.

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