Welcome to AAATE!

Our mission is to foster the role of Αssistive Τechnology (ΑΤ) and inclusive design to create a world where all people can equally enjoy their human rights. 


The 18th International Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (AAATE) will take place in Nicosia (Cyprus), at the European University Cyprus from 10-12 September 2025.

More information will soon be available on the #AAATE2025 website: https://aaate2025.eu

You can review past AAATE conferences here

The Lecco Declaration

the Lecco Declaration on the advancement of inclusive public transport was signed and released by AAATE, ENIL and UITP.

Read and endorse the Declaration!

The Bologna Declaration

The Bologna declaration is available in English, Français, Español, Italiano, Português, Ελληνικά (greek), Nederlands and 日本語 (japanese).
Endorsement counter : 695 persons / 156 organisations