SAVE THE DATE: Ageing better IN real LIFE!
SAVE THE DATE! Madrid, 17 January 2018 – 09.00-14.00 – Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
A workshop organised by the IN LIFE project consortium
On average people in Europe live longer than just one generation ago. The challenge for Europe is to make sure that older adults live those additional years in the best possible condition. For most of them, this means living in their own homes or at least in community settings, supported on an “as needs”-basis by informal and formal caregivers. If introduced appropriately in real life, technology can be a precious ally in making the life experience while ageing of higher quality compared to a situation without technology: more independent, safer, socially connected and with better and sustainable integrated care. This holds true in particular for persons with mild cognitive impairment and dementia.
The IN LIFE project has developed strategies and tools in different areas of independence for older adults with mild cognitive impairment and different stages of dementia. The project has aimed to prolong and support their independent living through interoperable, open, personalised and seamless ICT solutions that support home activities, communication, health maintenance, travel, mobility and socialisation tasks.
In this workshop, the Consortium will present the results and discuss the outcomes of the project with representative stakeholders: older adults, informal caregivers, service providers, clinicians, industry, policy makers and researchers. Demos of the developed systems and services will be available.
Draft programme
8.30 Registration desk open
9.00 Welcome and Opening
9.30 The challenges of integrated care for older adults – Leo Lewis (AAATE & Integrated Care Foundation)
9.50 The IN LIFE approach – Maria Fernanda Cabrera (project co-ordinator)
10.20 Examples of IN LIFE technologies and services and their piloting
11.20 Break
11.50 End user involvement: IN LIFE lessons learned – Arlene Astell (University of Reading)
12.05 Exploitation and business models: IN LIFE lessons learned – Paul Davis (Dublin City University)
12.20 “Challenges for eHealth”-panel session with Peter Cudd (University of Sheffield), Jon Arambarri Basanez (Virtualware), Francisco Lupiáñez-Villanueva (Open Evidence), Christian Galinski (Infoterm). Moderater: Evert-Jan Hoogerwerf (AAATE)
13.00 Visit to demo set ups
14.00 End of workshop
Organiser: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, CRTM & AAATE
Registration is required: please click here
The official language of the workshop is English, but translation into Spanish is provided.
Programme updates will be regularly posted on the project website
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 643442. The content provided during the workshop reflects only the author’s view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.