Monthly Archives for January 2018

Endorsement of draft resolution EB142/CONF./2 “Improving access to assistive technology”

The Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (AAATE) calls upon all European governments to endorse in the executive board meeting of the WHO (22-27/01/2018) in Geneva the draft resolution EB142/CONF./2 “Improving access to assistive technology” as proposed by Algeria, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Ghana, Iraq, Israel, Jamaica, Pakistan, Philippines, […]

European Day of Speech and Langauge Therapy 06.03.18

Each year on March 6th, CPLOL (Standing Liaison Committee of E.U. Speech and Language Therapists and Logopedists) celebrates European Day of SLT (Speech and Langauge Therapy). This year, the clinical theme for European day is AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication). The aim of the day is to organise events to raise awareness amongst other professionals […]