Handicap 2018 : the French speaking conference about AT
The Handicap 2018 conference (10th Handicap conference), entitled Recherches pluridisciplinaires pour l’autonomie des personnes en situation de handicap (Multidisciplinary research for the autonomy of people with disabilities), will take place in Paris from 13 to 15 June 2018 (Porte de Versailles), in parallel with the exhibition Autonomic-Paris.
Handicap 2018 is the leading French speaking conference on Assistive Technologies. Biennial, is organised by IFRATH (Institut Fédératif de Recherche sur les Aides Techniques pour personnes Handicapées, the association for research on Assistives Technologies).
Deadline for papers (in French) is February 12th.
More information (in French) : http://ifrath.fr/handicap2018/