Grand challenges in AT Outcomes

AT professional organisations around the world have come together to form the Global Alliance of AT Organisations (GAATO). AAATE is among the founding members of GAATO.

GAATO are leading a Grand Challenge in AT outcomes. 

Leading up to the Global Report on Assistive Technology, GAATO is undertaking a collaborative consensus process to identify global grand challenges in the area of assistive technology outcomes. 

The GAATO AT Outcomes Team is calling for leaders to establish consultation teams within each of the WHO Health Regions, and work together to gather views on AT outcomes.

There is more detailed information about this initiative available here:

**To take part please a) complete this brief ONLINE FORM (link also in document)**

TIMELINE: Expressions of Interest by Friday May 14th

Any questions, please contact the GAATO AT Outcomes Team by emailing

In case you would like to collaborate with AAATE for a cross-European data gathering, please send an email to