Institutional members

AAATE has 40 institutional members from 23 countries
Hilfsgemeinschaft der Blinden und Sehschwachen Österreichs (Managing Board)Austria
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (Institut Integriert Studieren)Austria
Centre de Ressources et d’Evaluation des Technologies pour les personnes en situation de Handicap (Région Wallonne)Belgique
KOC - Kenniscentrum Hulpmiddelen van het VAPHBelgium
Thomas More Kempen vzw (Mobilab & care)Belgium
Groep GidtsBelgium
European University CyprusCyprus
VŠB - Technical University of OstravaCzech republic
National Board of Social Services (Center for Handicap)Danmark
Finnish Association on Intellectual and Developmental DisabilityFinland
Satakunta University of Applied SciencesFinland
THIM/CHArt EA 4004 - University Paris 8France
TU Dortmund (Technische Universität Dortmund) (Rehabilitation Technology)Germany
Kompetenzzentrum Barrierefreiheit Volmarstein - Evangelische Stiftung VolmarsteinGermany
Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (Institute of Computer Science)Greece
National Disability AuthorityIreland
National Assistive Technology Training Service Enabled IrelandIreland
ALYN HospitalIsrael
Instituto Leonarda VaccariItaly
Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus (Innovation and Development Department)Italy
Emilia Romagna's Centre For Assistive TechnologyItaly
Associazione GLIC - GLIC - Italian Network of Assistive Technology Resource CentersItaly
University of Pisa (Dept. Information Engineering)Italy
Center of Assistive ProductsLithuania
Zuyd University of Applied Sciences (Research Centre Technology in Care)Netherlands
The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service (Department of Assistive Technology)Norway
Centro de Reabilitacao Professional de GaiaPortugal
Sociedade Portuguesa de Engenharia de Reabilitação, Tecnologias de Apoio e AcessibilidadePortugal
Technical University of KosiceSlovakia
University rehabilitation institute Republic of Slovenia SocaSlovenia
Associacio per la Vida IndependentSpain
Fundación ONCE (Accessibility and Innovation)Spain
Certec - Lund university (Department of Design Sciences)Sweden
Raising the Floor - International AssociationSwitzerland
iHomeLab - Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and ArtsSwitzerland
Active Communication AGSwitzerland
ETH Zürich (Rehabilitation Engineering Lab)Switzerland
Zurich University of Applied Sciences (School of Engineering)Switzerland
The Hague University of Applied Sciences (Research group Technology for Healthcare)The Netherlands