Right To Connect Now (RTCN)

Active participation in daily life, today, needs a comprehensive understanding of digital tools that we use to make our lives easier. As a society that has largely transitioned to a digital space, it is important to take into account the needs and requirements of people with disabilities to ensure they are not excluded. Right To Connect Now (RTCN) will provide an e-learning platform that will help in achieving the goal of improving social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities.
RTCN will improve digital literacy for people with intellectual disabilities and aim at:
- The removal of barriers to learning and skills development related with digital accessibility;
- The development of knowledge and understanding of how-to best support PwID in expressing active citizenship through digital communication;
- Provide opportunities to PwID to self-advocate and to express themselves on wider societal challenges;
persons with intellectual disabilities (main target) and organisations of persons with disabilities;
- other service providers, specifically social care & support providers working on/in cooperation with education & training settings;
- education & training providers;
- policy makers, stakeholders.
- Contribute to the development of digital skills among persons with intellectual disabilities through a peer-to-peer education model.
- Provide a universally valid framework for the competence developmentof those supporting learners with intellectual disabilities in developing their digital skills.
- Implement an accessible version of an e-learning platform for persons with intellectual disabilities and co-designed with them, and guidelines for its use.
Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe
Associazione Italiana Assistenza Spastici
European Asssociation of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities
Saint John of God Community Services clg
Hermes Interactiva SL
Vocational Training Center MARGARITA
May 2022-March 2024