
Online Seminar Series on Emerging Assistive Technology

The Association for the Advancements of Assistive Technology in Europe (AAATE) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), with the support of the Global Alliance of Assistive Technology Organizations (GAATO), invite users and professionals, as well as researchers, innovators and developers around the world to explore how emerging technologies are shaping the landscape of the […]

COVID-19 and education: Use technology for a more inclusive approach by Katerina Mavrou, AAATE President

Inclusive education has been and still is in the core of the battle for educational change towards equal opportunities and non-discrimination for children with disabilities for many years. However, interpretations, policies and educational practices around the world vary, and a number of challenges emerge in developing inclusive educational practices (Haug, 2017). Nevertheless, there is a […]

“We are at an amazing moment in the history of the #AT sector” – 2 weeks to #AAATE2019

Barely 2 weeks to go to our gathering of over 300 assistive technology experts for #AAATE2019 in Bologna. Helping us to prepare for the conference is Dr. Natasha Layton, president of the Australian Rehabilitation & Assistive Technology Association (ARATA) and member of #AAATE2019’s scientific committee. She shares insights and expectations for the AT sector and […]

“The AT service delivery part is where we need to focus our efforts”

Only 4 weeks to go until the #AAATE2019 Congress in Bologna. In the run-up to this gathering of over 300 international assistive technology experts, Dr. Marcia Scherer gave us some insights into her extensive experience in the AT sector and her expectations for #AAATE2019. Marcia is a rehabilitation psychologist and founding President of the Institute […]

“Learning about new ideas and exploring new collaborations in Assistive Technology” – a scientific committee member of #AAATE2019 shares her expectations for the gathering of 300+ AT experts in Bologna this August

From 27-30 August, the AAATE 2019 Conference brings together researchers and practitioners from academia, service providers and industry to discuss the latest innovations and visionary ideas in the field of assistive technology (AT) in its broadest sense. In the run-up to the conference, we have asked one of our scientific committee members, E.A. Draffan from […]

Report from COSP12 conference in New York

On behalf of the AAATE, I participated in the COSP12 conference in New York. COSP is the annual conference of States Parties to the CRPD, the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities. More than 400 people from all over the world gather in the main building of the United Nations to discuss the […]

Call for collaboration: Global Challenges require Global Action

Towards a Global Alliance of Assistive Technology Organisations  Assistive technology (AT) is an essential solution for millions of people, yet there are significant global challenges to providing these technologies. Some of these challenges are unique, but many more are shared across nations and cultures.  We, six AT professional organisations (AAATE, ARATA, RESJA, RESNA, RESKO and […]

“Global Challenges in Assistive Technology” – 15th international AAATE conference to be hosted by the world’s oldest university in Bologna, Italy, 27-30 August 2019

Press Release November 2018 Bologna, Italy: For the 15th time, the Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (AAATE) is inviting assistive technology (AT) experts, researchers, manufacturers, providers, professionals and end users of AT and everyone who works in a field where AT is deployed, to come together and discuss the global challenges […]

Excellence in the Process of AT Provision – Workshop Executive Summary

Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria July 10, 2018 Proceedings   In July 2018, a group of experts met in Linz, Austria, for AAATE’s workshop dedicated to discussing ways to ensure excellence in assistive technology provision. The objective was to draw parallels across education/employment, social and health contexts and to deduct what is needed for providing […]