
Employing ICT tools to assist elderly users with cognitive impairment

The project on INdependent LIving support Functions for the Elderly (IN LIFE) aims at turning existing research efforts into practical applications, in particular for senior citizens. Flexible ICT solutions could assist elderly users with cognitive impairment in organising, carrying out and completing everyday tasks and constitute essential factors for continuing to be and feel independent. […]

Training elderly patients in a playful way – the gamification of eHealth tools

Virtualware is a Spanish pioneer SME dedicated to developing solutions using Virtual Reality technology and consortium partner in the InLife project, which works on all-around, personalised, multi-faceted existing ICT solutions and services addressing diverse daily activities (eating, physical activity, commuting, mental stimulation, communication, social interaction, etc.) to users with cognitive impairment living in their own […]

12 September 2017: Change management as a success factor in the implementation, scaling up and transfer of digital health & social care solutions

Demographic change requires regions to deploy on an increasingly large scale digital health and social care solutions to keep the costs of care sustainable without reducing its quality. Unfortunately, many attempts to develop innovative solutions have shown success at pilot level, but difficulties in the actual deployment stage. The same holds true for the transferability of solutions from one region to […]