Endorsements of the Bologna Declaration
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156 organisations endorsed the Bologna Declaration
AATA, Argentina |
ARATA, Australia |
Centre for Disability Research and Policy, The University of Sydney, Australia |
DisabilitySPOT, Australia |
Empower Therapy Solutions, Australia |
InMotion Group, Australia |
National Committee on Rehabilitation Engineering, Australia |
Infoterm, Austria |
Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria |
Kompetenznetzwerk KI-I, Austria |
CAR DAT vzw, Belgium |
European Disability Forum, Belgium |
European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) - Section of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Belgium |
Het Doetertoe, Belgium |
International Federation for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus, Belgium |
International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics, Belgium |
Modem Thomas More, expertnetwerk ondersteunende technologie, Belgium |
RBSPRM - Belgian Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Belgium |
Sensotec, Belgium |
Engenharia de Tecnologia Assistiva e Acessibilidade - Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia, Brasil |
NTA IESP, Brasil |
"ASSIST - Assistive Technologies" Foundation, Bulgaria |
ProsFit Technologies JSC, Bulgaria |
Diversability Development Organization (DDO), Canada |
INÉÉI - PSH, Canada |
The Canadian Continence Foundation, Canada |
The Network of Assistive Technologists, Canada |
Asociación Antioqueña de Medicina Física y Rehabilitación, Colombia |
Atica Global, asocación de traductores e intérpretes para Colombia y América, Colombia |
TEKVO SAS, Colombia |
Whee, Colombia |
Red de Organizaciones de Personas con Discapacidad de Centroamérica y el Caribe (REDODICEC), Costa Rica |
Croatian Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Croatia |
Diktaion Medical Centre, Cyprus |
European University Cyprus, Cyprus |
MK Prosopsis Ltd, Cyprus |
Pancyprian organization for Cerebral Palsy 'Agalia Elpidas', Cyprus |
University of UCLan Cyprus, Cyprus |
AAATE, Europe |
Council of Occupational Therapists in European Countries (COTEC), Europe |
ALOGIA, France |
ANFE (Association Nationale Française des Ergothérapeutes), France |
CHArt Laboratory (Université Paris 8 - EPHE - UPEC), France |
CORTICO, France |
Ecoreso Autonomie, France |
ENVIE Autonomie, France |
Fédération des Aveugles et Amblyopes de France, France |
HYPRA, France |
IFRATH (Institut Fédératif de Recherche sur les Aides Techniques pour personnes Handicapées), France |
Kerpape Rehabilitation Center, France |
Les Doigts Qui Rêvent, France |
LUTIN Userlab, France |
NatBraille, France |
Oocity, France |
ORTHOPUS, France |
ATB GmbH, Germany |
German Society of Rehabilitation Science (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Rehabilitationswissenschaften), Germany |
Institute for Interdisciplinarity in Health – Technology – Ability to Work (IGTA), Germany |
VTO (Vereinigung Techn. Orthopädie der DGOU), Germany |
Athens Therapy Center, Greece |
enLogic, Greece |
Evexia Rehab Center, Greece |
FORTH - ICS, Greece |
Hellenic Association of Assistive Technology, Greece |
Margarita VTC, Greece |
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece |
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece |
NOESI.gr, Greece |
Scientic section "physiotherapy in mental health" Panhellenic Physiotherapist association, Greece |
Special elementary school for the blind in Athens, Greece |
Bangalore Baptist Hospital, India |
Thamrin School of Climate Change and Sustainability, Indonesia |
The Global Alliance of Assistive Technology Organizations, International organisation |
The International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM), International organisation |
DOCTRID Research Institute, Ireland |
Enable Ireland, Ireland |
UNESCO Chair Institute of Technology Tralee, Ireland |
ALYN Hospital Pediatric Rehabilitation Center, Israel |
Atvisor, Israel |
Ginger Tiger, Israel |
Gingim, Israel |
Wheelchairs of Hope, Israel |
AIAS Bologna onlus, Italy |
Ass. COAT Onlus, Italy |
Associazione Novilunio onlus, Italy |
Ausilioteca Mediterranea Onlus, Italy |
Centro per l'autonomia, Italy |
EASTIN, Italy |
GLIC - Italian independent AT centres network, Italy |
ROMA - Rehabilitation & Outcome Measures Assessment, Italy |
UEMS Board of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Italy |
International Association for Universal Design (IAUD), Japan |
NPO: Science Accessibility Net, Japan |
RESJA (Rehabilitation Engineering Society of Japan), Japan |
Tsukuba University of Technology, Japan |
SESOBEL, Lebanon |
Center of technical aid for disabled people under Ministry of Social security and Labour, Lithuania |
Commission for the Rights of Persons with Disability, Malta |
Al Azhar University - Gaza, Palestine |
i-CARE Project - Erasmus Plus 586403, Palestine |
ANDITEC, Portugal |
Associação de Surdos do Porto, Portugal |
Dizabnet Federation - The Network of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities, Romania |
Motivation Romania Foundation, Romania |
Autonomous Nonprofit Organization, Russia |
Serbian Association of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Serbia |
ZedOptima, Singapore |
Carel du Toit Trust, South Africa |
PIFF, South Africa |
Rural Rehab South Africa (RuReSA), South Africa |
Shonaquip Social Enterprise, South Africa |
South African National Council for the Blind, South Africa |
Uhambo Foundation, South Africa |
Asociación Mácula Retina, Spain |
School of Informatics Engineering, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain |
TIC Salut Social, Spain |
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain |
Universidad de Salamanca - INICO, Spain |
International Committee of the Red Cross, Switzerland |
MoveAbility Foundation, Switzerland |
TREATS (Taiwan Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society), Taiwan |
The Open University of Tanzania, Tanzania |
ISAAC-NF, The Netherlands |
Logopedie Sandra Koster, The Netherlands |
Smart Homes, The Netherlands |
Ukrainian Society for NeuroRehabilitation, Ukraine |
Ukrainian Society of Ergotherapists, Ukraine |
Ukrainian Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Ukraine |
AbilityNet, United Kingdom |
AccessAbility Solutions, United Kingdom |
Ace Centre, United Kingdom |
Audazzle, United Kingdom |
British Assistive Technology Association, United Kingdom |
Centre for Assistive Technology and Connected Healthcare, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom |
Exceed Worldwide, United Kingdom |
IHDC, United Kingdom |
Motivation, United Kingdom |
Open Inclusion, United Kingdom |
OpenDirective, United Kingdom |
People Powered Prosthetics, United Kingdom |
Smile Smart Technology, United Kingdom |
The Open University, United Kingdom |
Anacronist Software, United States of America |
Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired, United States of America |
Elsaesser Consulting, United States of America |
Initiative to Mobilize Partnerships for Successful Assistive Technology Technology Transfer, United States of America |
Institute for Matching Person & Technology, United States of America |
International Society of Wheelchair Professionals (ISWP), United States of America |
Knowbility, United States of America |
Omakase Consult, United States of America |
Perpendicular Angel Design, United States of America |
PRC-Saltillo, United States of America |
Sonja Biggs Educational Services, Inc, United States of America |
695 individual people endorsed the Bologna Declaration
Angelina Amaral |
Alberto Cairo, Head of Phys Rehab Program (International Committee Red Cross), Afghanistan |
Houssein Hadj Rabah, Student (Université Paris 8), Algeria |
Silvana Contepomi, Physical Therapist, Argentina |
Nancy Sotelo, Licenciada en KINESIOLOGIA, Argentina |
Marisol Russo, Terapista ocupacional, Argentina |
Silvana Contepomi, President (AATA), Argentina |
Gustavo Menta, Miembro directivi (AATA), Argentina |
Sebastian Salice, Treasurer (AATA), Argentina |
Marcela Alejandra Maccione (AATA), Argentina |
Silvana Filippi (AATA), Argentina |
Sofia Bello, Physical Therapist (ASISTIVA), Argentina |
María Belén Hidalgo, Biomedical engineer (Neuroability), Argentina |
Natasha Layton, Australia |
Iain Brown, Australia |
Rene Fraser, Australia |
Kate McDonell, Occupational Therapist (Empower Therapy Solutions), Australia |
David Hobbs, Senior Lecturer in Rehabilitation Engineering (Flinders University), Australia |
Sarah Strong, Director (InMotion Group), Australia |
Anthony Francis, Senior Lecturer / Course Coordinator (La Trobe University: Prosthetics and Orthotics), Australia |
Sally D'Orsogna, OT (Sally D'Orsogna Occupational Therapist), Australia |
Lloyd Walker, Managing Director (Tech4Life), Australia |
Kim Bulkeley, Academic (The University of Sydney), Australia |
Stefan Parker, Austria |
Christian Galinski, CEO (Infoterm), Austria |
Klaus Miesenberger, Head of Insitute (Johannes Kepler University Linz), Austria |
Priska Feichtenschlager, Operating management (Johannes Kepler University Linz), Austria |
Valentín Salinas López, Researcher (Johannes Kepler University Linz), Austria |
Bernhard Stoeger, Scientific member (Johannes Kepler University Linz), Austria |
Tomas Murillo Morales, Senior Researcher (Johannes Kepler University Linz), Austria |
Gerhard Nussbaum, CTO (Kompetenznetzwerk KI-I), Austria |
Robbie Courtens, student counseler, Belgium |
Josiane Herben, Belgium |
Katleen Hessels, speechtherapist, Belgium |
Lien Verdonckt, Logopedist, Belgium |
Raf Hensbergen, Coördinator (Begeleid Werken Zuiderkempen), Belgium |
Griet Deroo, ergotherapeut (Blindenzorg Licht en Liefde), Belgium |
Evy Brams, speech therapist (BO De Bremberg), Belgium |
An Wouters, speech therapist (BO De Bremberg), Belgium |
Marijke Van Hauwermeiren, occupational therapist (CAR De Steijger), Belgium |
Sara Ballière, occupational therapist (Christelijke Mutualiteit), Belgium |
Karim D'heedene, occupational therapist (CM), Belgium |
Carlotte Kiekens, Coordinator (Cochrane Rehabilitation), Belgium |
Jan Engelen, Prof. em. (KU Leuven), Belgium |
Evelien Ameloot, disability officer (KU Leuven), Belgium |
Annemie Van Roy (log.on communicatie), Belgium |
Jeske D'haene, Speech pathologist (Modem Thomas More), Belgium |
Liesbet Crab, psychiatric (Multiversum), Belgium |
Sandra Van Heffen, Chairman (Project I3 vzw), Belgium |
Steave Ahokou, Consultant (Sensotec), Belgium |
Marthe Deceuninck, Occupational Therapist (Ten Dries Landegem), Belgium |
Wim De Backer, Coördinator of Modem: expertnetwork assistive communication technology (Thomas More), Belgium |
Jo Daems, lecturer occupational therapy program and researcher at Mobilab & Care (Thomas More), Belgium |
Sofie Verhaegen, Research manager (Thomas More), Belgium |
Tessa Delien, Researcher (Thomas More), Belgium |
Karolien Baldewijns (Thomas More Univerisity of applied sciences), Belgium |
Marijke Huybrechts, teacher (Thomas More University College), Belgium |
Nathalie Drooghmans, Researcher (UCLL), Belgium |
Cécile Colin, Professor (ULB), Belgium |
Jacqueline Leybaert, Teaching/Research (Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)), Belgium |
Jo Lebeer, researcher, assoc.professor (University of Antwerp, Fac. Medicine, Disability Studies), Belgium |
An Verbeek, Speech Therapist (Vibo De Brem BKLO), Belgium |
Hermien Delanote, orthopedagoog (vzw De Ark Brussel), Belgium |
Osorio Neto, Brasil |
José Ozias Siqueira, Brasil |
Roy Eddie Marquardt Filho, Brasil |
Carlos Vieira Souza (Corporativo Sports), Brasil |
Lucinda Leria, Doutoranda (Federal University of ABC), Brasil |
Manoel Vidal Castro Melo, Educational (FUNDAÇÃO IBIRAPUERA DE PESQUISAS), Brasil |
Andre Sugawara, Doctor (Instituto de Medicina Física e Reabilitação do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade de São Paulo), Brasil |
Regina Cohen, Architect - Associated Researcher (Pro-access Group - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (School of Architect and Urbanism)), Brasil |
Alessandro Augusto Pellegrini, Communication Consultant (Tecassistiva), Brasil |
Jaciléia Cadete Abreu, Estudante (Universidade Estadual de Campinas-Unicamp/SP), Brasil |
Jesus Carlos Delgado Garcia, Professor (Universidade Federal do Recôncavo Baiano), Brasil |
Teófilo Galvão Filho, Professor (Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia), Brasil |
Nelma Sandes Galvão, Professora (Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia), Brasil |
Andre Tadeu Sugawara, PHYSICIAN (University of Sao Paulo), Brasil |
Evgeniya Hristova, co-founder ("ASSIST - Assistive Technologies" Foundation), Bulgaria |
Maurice Grinberg, Chair of the Board ("ASSIST - Assistive Technologies" Foundation), Bulgaria |
Christopher Hutchison, CTO (ProsFit Technologies JSC), Bulgaria |
Denver Graham, Physical Rehabilitation Programme Manager (International Committee of the Red Cross), Cambodia |
Emma Smith, Canada |
Philippe Archambault, Canada |
Ronald Lee Kirby, Professor (Dalhousie University), Canada |
DP (Doug) Gayton, Pacific Region Representative (OACAC - AgeWell), Canada |
Doug Mantle, Founder (The Network of Assistive Technologists), Canada |
Jeffrey Jutai, Vice-Dean Research, Faculty of Health Sciences (Univeristy of Ottawa), Canada |
Anne Jarry, Professor (Université de Montréal), Canada |
Muriel Mac-Seing, PhD candidate (Université de Montréal), Canada |
Krista Best, Faculty (Université Laval), Canada |
Francois Routhier, Associate Professor (Université Laval), Canada |
Claude Vincent, Full professor (Université Laval, Rehabilitation Department), Canada |
Mark Weiler, Librairan / Community of Practice facilitator (Wilfird Laurier University / Canadian Association of Professional Academic Librairans - Web Content Accessibility Group community of practice), Canada |
César Alberto Hurtado, Colombia |
Carolina Toro, Tesorera (Asociación Antioqueña de Medicina Física y Rehabilitación), Colombia |
Diana Botia, Member (Asociación Antioqueña de Medicina Física y Rehabilitación), Colombia |
José Alleleijn, vice-president (Atica Global, asocación de traductores e intérpretes para Colombia y América), Colombia |
Gustavo Garcia, Director (ICONO EDITORIAL), Colombia |
Maria Martinez, CEO & Founder (TRAVESIAS LIBROS SAS), Colombia |
María Toro Hernández, Researcher (Universidad CES), Colombia |
Nidia Johana Arias Becerra, Professor (Universidad CES), Colombia |
Ana Posada, Professor (Universidad de Antioquia), Colombia |
Juliana Velásquez, Teacher (Universidad EIA), Colombia |
Sara Munera, Director (Whee), Colombia |
Federico Montero, President (Red de Organizaciones de Personas con Discapacidad de Centroamérica y el Caribe (REDODICEC)), Costa Rica |
Renata Pinjatela, Croatia |
Saša Moslavac, Secretary General (UEMS PRM Section and Board), Croatia |
Skevi Afantiti, Cyprus |
Stella Andreou, Occupational therapist, Cyprus |
Alexia Christodoulou, Member (Agalia Elpidas), Cyprus |
Marios Tryfonidis, Medical Director (Diktaion Medical Centre), Cyprus |
Katerina Mavrou, Associate Professor (European University Cyprus), Cyprus |
Loizos Symeou, Vice-Rector (European University Cyprus), Cyprus |
Eleni Theodorou, Faculty (European University Cyprus), Cyprus |
Dimitra Karoulla-Vrikki, Associate Professor of Linguistics (European University Cyprus), Cyprus |
Monica Shiakou, Chairperson (European University Cyprus), Cyprus |
Marios Vryonides, Dean, School of Humanities, Sicial and Educational Sciences (European University Cyprus), Cyprus |
Constadina Charalambous, Assistant Proferssor (European University Cyprus), Cyprus |
Maria Meletiou-Mavrotheris, Professor (European University Cyprus), Cyprus |
Kostas Gouliamos, Rector (European University Cyprus), Cyprus |
Theodoros Kyprianidis, CEO (MK Prosopsis Ltd), Cyprus |
Yioula Pitsiali, president (Pancyprian organization for Cerebral Palsy 'Agalia Elpidas'), Cyprus |
Christina Eliadou, Educator of the visually impaired, Teaching the use of AT (St. Barnabas School for the Blind), Cyprus |
Simoni Symeonidou, Assistant professor (University of Cyprus), Cyprus |
Panikkos Poutziouris, Rector (University of UCLan Cyprus), Cyprus |
Anna-Liisa Salminen, Research Professor (Ths Social Insurance Institution of Finland), Finland |
Isabelle Jamain-Graff, France |
Marc Relieu, France |
Jean-Marc Bardeau-Garneret, Citoyen, France |
Daniel Battu, Consultant, France |
Sylvie Fabre, France |
Adèle Gigon, France |
Blandine Gential, France |
Damien Olivier, France |
Aline Michelet, France |
Christophe Chavatte, France |
Cindy Domi, France |
Gonthier Laurent, Ergothérapeute, France |
Soazig David, Occupational Therapist, France |
Alexis Karacostas, France |
Claude Tardif, France |
Nicolas Biard, Directeur Technique (ANFE (Association Nationale Française des Ergothérapeutes)), France |
Sophie Beurois, Membre (Association), France |
Isabelle Chartier, project manager (CEA), France |
Charles Tijus, Director (CHArt Laboratory (Université Paris 8 - EPHE - UPEC)), France |
Catherine Calcar, Gestionnaire adm (CNAM), France |
Christophe Jouffrais, Researcher (CNRS), France |
Bernard Oriola, Research engineer (CNRS), France |
Axelle Calcus, Postdoc researcher (Ecole Normale Supérieure), France |
Alexis Sannier, Charge de Mission Nouvelle Technologie (Ecoreso Autonomie), France |
Aurélie Le Levier, Occupational therapist (Ecoreso Autonomie), France |
Philippe Robin, Directeur Général (ENVIE Autonomie), France |
Thomas Gargot, PhD student (Hopital Pitie Salpetriere - Université Paris 8), France |
Saïd Boularouk, Scientist (IFRATH), France |
Roselyne Guillemet, Chef de Service (IJA-CESDV Toulouse), France |
Perrine Séguin, MD-PhD student (Inserm), France |
Quentin Chibaudel, Post doc (IRIT), France |
Nadine Vigouroux, Researcher/Teaching (IRIT UMR CNRS 5505), France |
Florence Bannay, member (IRIT, Toulouse University), France |
Frederic Dehais, professor (ISAE), France |
Willy Allègre, Engineer/PhD, FabManager (Kerpape Rehabilitation Center), France |
Mathieu Thébaud, Engineer, FabManager (Kerpape Rehabilitation Center), France |
Yohan Guerrier, Laboratoire (LAMIH), France |
Christophe Kolski, Professor (LAMIH-UMR CNRS 8201, Univ. Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, Valenciennes), France |
Philippe Reveillon, Directeur (Les Chemins Buissonniers), France |
Berengere Thibault, O T (Liberal), France |
Jean-Yves Antoine (LIFAT - Tours University), France |
Charles Tijus, Director (LUTIN Userlab), France |
Marianne Huchard, Professor (Montpellier University), France |
Alain Mille, Président (NatBraille), France |
Antoine Tanet, Neuropsychologist (Profession libérale), France |
Ezenwa Sixtus Nwawudu, Project Manager (Sixkon Technologies), France |
Nicolas Hulin, Technician (Smarthab), France |
Sophie Martel, Directrice (Tulitoo), France |
François Cabestaing, Professor (Univ. Lille), France |
Patrick Courilleau, Vice-President Formation and student life (Université de Cergy-Pontoise), France |
Jocelyne Millet, mission handicap (Université de La Réunion), France |
Guy Bourhis, Professor (Université de Lorraine), France |
Frédéric Bousefsaf, Associate Professor (Université de Lorraine), France |
Benoît Encelle, Associate Professor (Université de Lyon 1), France |
Isabelle Pecquenard, Coordinatrice handicap (Université de Montpellier), France |
Véronique Desbois (Université de Montpellier), France |
Guillaume Thomann, Associate Professor (Université Grenoble Alpes), France |
Didier Schwab, Associate Professor (Université Grenoble Alpes), France |
Salvatore Maria Anzalone, Associate Professor (Université Paris 8), France |
Anis Rojbi, Associate Professor (Université Paris 8), France |
Isis Truck, Professor (Université Paris 8), France |
Letícia Seixas Pereira, PhD Student (Université Paris 8), France |
Celine Jost, Associate professor (Université Paris 8), France |
Jaime Lopez Krahe, Professor emeritus (Université Paris 8), France |
Elka Parvanova, Head of the service for students with desabilities (Université Paris 8), France |
Susana Herrera, Guest Researcher (Université Paris 8), France |
Marie-Anne Sallandre, Professor (Université Paris 8), France |
Sofia Cissoko, Etudiante (Université Paris 8), France |
Brigitte Garcia, Professor (Université Paris 8), France |
Alessandra Di Roma, Doctorante (Université Paris 8), France |
Yaici Tinhinane, Student (Université Paris 8 - Master Handi), France |
Ashley Dor Ornis, Student (Université Paris 8 - Master Handi), France |
Cathy Thome, Student (Université Paris 8 - Master Handi), France |
Veronika Kamyshnikova, M1 MIASHS Student (Université Paris 8 - Master Handi), France |
Jack Sagot (Université Paris 8 / THIM), France |
Johana Bodard, PhD student (Université Paris 8 Vincennes – Saint-Denis), France |
Dominique Archambault, Professor (Université Paris 8-Vincennes-Saint-Denis), France |
Clémence Chassan (Université Paris 8-Vincennes-Saint-Denis), France |
Mohammed Zbakh, Researcher (Université Paris 8-Vincennes-Saint-Denis), France |
Gérard Uzan, Research engineer and President of Ifrath (Université Paris 8-Vincennes-Saint-Denis / Ifrath), France |
Vannina Poggi, Responsable Vie étudiante (Université Paris II), France |
René Farcy, Professeur (Université Paris Sud), France |
Fanny Deydier, Référente handicap (Université Savoie Mont Blanc), France |
Nancy Rodriguez, assistant professor (University of Montpellier), France |
Janine Rogalski, member (University Paris), France |
Ricardo Morte Ferrer, Germany |
Klaus Pfeifer, Chair - Exercise, Physical Activity & Health (Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg), Germany |
Gottfried Zimmermann, Professor (Hochschule der Medien), Germany |
Thilo Kuennemann, Coordinator (Institute for Interdisciplinarity in Health – Technology – Ability to Work (IGTA)), Germany |
Wilfried Prof. Dr. Mau, Director (Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg), Germany |
Susanne Dirks, Senior Researcher (TU Dortmund University), Germany |
Anke Menzel-Begemann, Professor / Head of Institute for Interdisciplinarity in Health ● Technology ● Ability to Work (University of Applied Science), Germany |
Thorsten Meyer, Professor for Rehabilitation Sciences (University of Bielefeld), Germany |
Adrian Thyssen, General Manager (Vassilli Deutschland GmbH), Germany |
Michael Murphy, Instructor of P & O (Br. Tarcisius Prosthetic & Orthotic Training College), Ghana |
Eleni Antonakopoulou, Greece |
Ioanna Talasli, Greece |
Sofia Gourna, Greece |
Zoe Pidakou, Greece |
Stavros Stathopoulos, Evaggelismos Hospital, Greece |
Elpida Andreou, Greece |
Ermioni Davradou, Occupational Therapist (Athens Therapy Center), Greece |
Emmanouil Koutsoulaftis, Student (EKPA), Greece |
Nikolaos Panagopoulos, Managing Director (enLogic), Greece |
Iosif Klironomos, AAATE NCP (FORTH - ICS), Greece |
Valentini Papageorgiou, Press bureau/Scientific committee secretary (General Hospital"G.Papanikolaou"), Greece |
Nikos Katevas (Hellenic Association of Assistive Technologies), Greece |
Dimitris Chalivelakis, active board of trustees member (Hellenic Association of Assistive Technologies), Greece |
Kalliopi Lappas, Board Member, Chair (Hellenic Association of Assistive Technology), Greece |
Angeliki Tsakiraki, Member (Hellenic Association of Assistive Technology), Greece |
Eygenia Chiladaki, Treasurer (Hellenik Association of Assistive Technology), Greece |
Andreas Floros, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Music and Audiovisual Arts (Ionian University), Greece |
Polyxeni Kaimara, PhD Candidate (Ionian University), Greece |
Elli Kafritsa, Educational Technology Specialist & Special Education Teacher (Margarita VTC), Greece |
Sofia Kalogiannidi (National and Kapodistrian University of Athen), Greece |
Maria Kazamia, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athen), Greece |
Παναγιώτης Χαραλάμπους, Undergraduate student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athen), Greece |
Georgios Kouroupetroglou, Director of the Speech and Accessibility Laboratory and Head of the Accessibility Unit for Students with Disabilites (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Ariadni Velissaropoulou, Volunteer Coordinator for peer support to students with disabilities (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Paraskevi Riga, Employee of the Accessibility Unit for Student with Disabilities (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Nikolaos Oikonomidis, Employee of accessibility unit for students with disabilities (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Stella Kynthia Papamichou, Employee of the Accessibility Unit for Students with Disabilities (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Irene Georgiou, employee of the Accessibility Unit for Students with Disabilities (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Ioannis Petroulis, Student, Researcher & Staff member of the accessibility unit for students with disabilities (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Alexandros Pino, Laboratory Teaching Staff (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Despina Deligiorgi, Professor (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Nikolaos Papatheodorou, Staff member of Accessibility Department (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Maria Emmanouil, Staff member of Accessibility Unit for Students with Disabilities (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Theodora Antonakopoulou, Member of the Accessibility Unit for Students with Disabilities (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Christos Terzis, Post-Doctoral Researcher (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Eleni Pitsineli, Staff member of the Accessibility Unit for Students with Disabilities (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Konstantinos Bakogiannis, Researcher (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Aineias Martos, PhD student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Demetres Alexandres, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Spyros Polychronopoulos, Research Fellow (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Orfeas Rodopoulos, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Nefeli Theofanopoulou, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Adamantia Sofi, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Μaria Kyriakou, Postgraduate student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Sofia Sgourou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Stathis Sgouros (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Fotini Kampouri, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Victor Charisis, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Georgia Roussou, postgraduate student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Dimitra Marini, Researcher (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Makis Athanasiou, Staff member (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Georgios Neochoritis, MSc Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Apostolos Surgunis-Metallidis, Undergraduate Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Dimitra Oikonomopoulou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Dimitra Disli, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Athanasia Noula, undergraduate (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Serafim Lentas, Undergraduate (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Kyriakos Charalambous (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Symeon Pantzalis, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Panayiotis Lolos (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Konstantinos Lysandropoulos, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Fanourios-Stylianos Psathopoulos, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Myrto Chouliara, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Ioanna Katsouli, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Vasileios Argyrakis, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Laertis Tsoka, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Thanasis Andriopoulos, college student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Evangelia Chousiada (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Panagiotis-Orestis Garmpis, Undergraduate Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Kriton Pittos (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Konstantinos Chatzopoulos, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Ioannes Kanellopoulos, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Ioannis Papaspyrou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Dimitrios Skordoulis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Anna Mitsopoulou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Demetris Ellinas, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Eleni Fytili, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Constantinos Constantinou, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Politis Dionysios, Undergraduate student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Andri Kyriakou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Sofia Vourli (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Nefeli Santzaridou, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Ilias Kalamatas, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Athanasia-Chrysanthi Stratikopoulou, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Sofia Kazantzidou, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Andreas Grigoriou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Vangelis Garaganis, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Katsaros Andreas, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Dimitra Thodi, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Eleni Memtsa, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Theodore Anagnostopoulos, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Maria Kondyli (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Georgia Gioti, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Spyridon Thanos, Undergraduate student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Evangelos Bilios, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Katerina Panagiotou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Aristotelis Panagopoulos, Postgraduate Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Konstantinos Dritsoulas, postgraduate student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Stephania Kostaki, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Dimosthenis Andreadis, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Efstathios Siatras, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Angeliki Panagopoulou, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Vasileios-Marios Panagakis, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Dimitrios Meletis, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Theodosis Paidakis, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Miltos Kartalas, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Stefanos Dianellos, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Anastasios Antonopoulos, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Aristofanis Chionis Koufakos, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Orestis Fokos, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Leonidas-Panagiotis Papadakos, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Alexandros Chionidis, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Ilias Kaimakamis, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Dimitrios Nikolakakos, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Athina Kardiakou, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Panayiota Paraschou, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Christina Dousi, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Anastasis Bazinis, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Iro Chasapi, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Christina-Theano Kylafi, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Emmanouil Stivaktas, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Ioannis Tourlomousis, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Orestis Stefanou, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Theodore Mystiloglou, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Christina Papasotiri, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Vasilis Venieris, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Andrianna Anastasopoulou, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Leonidas Tsironis, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Andronikos Andronikou, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Antonios Kalamakis, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Grigorios Katrakazas, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Georgios Kolias, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
AIKATERINI ARDA, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
ANDREAS TZALAKAS, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Petro-Foti Kamberi, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Leonidas Nasopoulos, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Georgios Tsompanelis, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Georgios Desipris, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Vaios Lytras, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Maria Xanthopoulou, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Konstantinos Xenakoudis, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Ioanna Apostolopoulou, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Vasileios Episkopos, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Constantinos Georgiou, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Evripidis Pantelaios, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Konstantinos Theofilis, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Kalliopi Pateromichelaki, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Ioannis Askaroglou, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Nikolaos Makrygeorgos, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
George Vardalas, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Marios Englezos, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Giorgos Fertakis, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Maria Kondyli, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Theodora Panagea, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Melina Rousia, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Rodica Bulgac, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Georgios Mpasiakos, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Leonardos Harikiopoulos, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Maria Chatzipavlou, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Georgios Koutsothanasis, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Konstantinos Belmpas, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Aristotelis Verginis, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Stathis Karagiannis, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Jeorgjia Loshi, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Dimitrios Verlekis, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Giorgos Giorgos, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Nikos Sideris, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Antonia Roussou, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Maria Koutsokeri, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Giorgos Metaxas, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Dimitrios Eftstathiou, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Nikolaos Fragkoulis, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Victor Souprounov, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Evangelos Ampatzis, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Nizar Darwish, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Aliki Georgia Mitsiou, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Georgia Papaspyrou, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Melpomeni Lekka, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Anna Maria Galani, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Vassiliki Mpereri, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Anastasia Eleftheriadi, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Charilaos Venetis, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Spyridon Rokopanos, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Dionysios Mpentour, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Isidora Sismani, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Argiris Alexopoulos, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Panayiotis Charalampous, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Nick Mitselos, student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Greece |
Tom Panos, Student (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, DIT), Greece |
Sofoklis Alepis, MoB-Phd candidate (Paraplegics AssocIation OF Greece), Greece |
George Vougiou, Teacher (School), Greece |
Philippos Katsoulis, Headmaster (Special elementary school for the blind in Athens), Greece |
Konstantinos Mountanos, Head of nutrition department (Theseus rehab center), Greece |
Constantine Stephanidis, Professor, Head of HCI Lab (University of Crete and ICS-FORTH), Greece |
Konstantinos Papadopoulos, Professor (University of Macedonia), Greece |
Nóra Menich, Hungary |
Erika Jókai, Assistant Professor (Óbuda University), Hungary |
Mostafa Elgendy, Phd student (University of Pannonia), Hungary |
Gift Norman, Deputy Director (Bangalore Baptist Hospital), India |
Sujatha Srinivasan, Professor (Indian Institute of Technology Madras), India |
Ajaya Kumar Sen, PRP Manager (International Committee of the Red Cross), India |
Vigneshwaran Srinivasan, Physiotherapist (Mobility india), India |
Farhan Helmy, Chairperson (Thamrin School of Climate Change and Sustainability), Indonesia |
Trevor Boland, Digital Officer (AHEAD), Ireland |
Sharon Murphy, Service Transformation Manager (CIDP St Joseph’s House), Ireland |
Maryam Madani, Communications (Independent Living Movement Ireland), Ireland |
John Macfarlane, Consultant in Rehabilitation Medicine (Mercy University Hospital), Ireland |
Georgina O’Mahony, Digital Learning Leader (Mount Anville Secondary School), Ireland |
Shauna McGinley, Teacher (Mount Anville Secondary School), Ireland |
Chris Kane, Programme Facilitator (RehabCare), Ireland |
Sarah Boland, Assistive Technology Facilitator (Saint John of God Community servies Liffey Services), Ireland |
Gerard Masdeu Yelamos, Researcher (UNESCO Chair Institute of Technology Tralee), Ireland |
Rosemary Joan Gowran, Lecturer Occupational Therapy (University of Limerick), Ireland |
Moran Ran, CEO (Atvisor), Israel |
Alessandro Giussani, Collaboratore Dipartimento welfare (CISL Bergamo), Italia |
Valentina Bettelli, Occupational therapist, Italy |
Silvia Ghiringhello, Italy |
Massimo Guerreschi, Italy |
Anna Anzani, Italy |
Maria Rosaria Motolese, Consulente tecnico (AIAS), Italy |
Lorenzo Desideri, Researcher (AIAS Bologna), Italy |
Evert-Jan Hoogerwerf, Head of AT Sector (AIAS Bologna onlus), Italy |
Carlo Montanari, AT&AAL technician (AIAS Bologna Onlus), Italy |
Lisa Cesario (AIAS Bologna Onlus), Italy |
Valentina Fiordelmondo, Project officer (AIAS Bologna Onlus), Italy |
Viviana Brandan, coordinatrice (Ausilioteca - AIAS Bologna onlus), Italy |
Silvio Pagliara, President of the Board (Ausilioteca Mediterranea Onlus), Italy |
Angelo Bottini, Occupational therapist (Coop L'Ovile), Italy |
Simona Mondelli, Referente (CTS NOVARA), Italy |
Daniela Bulgarelli, Assistant Professor in Developmental Psychology (Dipartimento di Psicologia, Università degli Studi di Torino), Italy |
Claudia Salatino, Rehabilitation (Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi), Italy |
Massimo Guerreschi, President (GLIC - Italian independent AT centres network), Italy |
Claudio Bitelli, Advisory Board member (GLIC - Italian Network of AT Centers), Italy |
Fabrizio Corradi, Psychotechnologist & Accessibility Specialist (Istituto Leonarda Vaccari), Italy |
Cesare Osti, Stratetegic&Special projects coordinator (Lepida ScpA), Italy |
Sergio Duretti, Head of Digital Welfare Department (LepidaScpa), Italy |
Claudio Consonni, me stesso (me stesso), Italy |
Marco Lombardo, Deputy Mayor (Municipality of Bologna), Italy |
Sara Comai, Associate Professor (Politecnico di Milano), Italy |
Andrea Bonarini, Full Professor (Politecnico di Milano), Italy |
Iolanda Iacono, CCO (QuestIT), Italy |
Marco Tofani, Vice-President (ROMA - Rehabilitation & Outcome Measures Assessment), Italy |
Renzo Andrich, President (The Global Assistive Technology Information Network), Italy |
Nicole Bianquin, Fellow researcher (University of Bergamo), Italy |
Cristian Leorin, Adjunct professor (University of Padova), Italy |
Stefano Federici, AAATE member (University of Perugia), Italy |
Luca Fanucci, Full Professor (University of Pisa), Italy |
Satoshi Kose, researcher (Freelance), Japan |
Jiro Sagara, Professor (Kobe Design University), Japan |
Takenobu Inoue, Director of Department of Assistive Technology (National Rehablilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities), Japan |
Takashi Watanabe, Professor (Nihon Fukushi University), Japan |
Katsuhito Yamaguchi, Vice-Chair (NPO: Science Accessibility Net), Japan |
Ritsuya Katsura, Chairman (RESJA (Rehabilitation Engineering Society of Japan)), Japan |
Hiroki Ishihama, Board member (RESJA (Rehabilitation Engineering Society of Japan)), Japan |
Hajime Yamada, Education (Toyo University), Japan |
Toshihiro Kanahori, Associate Professor (Tsukuba University of Technology), Japan |
Gregory Halford, Physical Rehabiliation Manager (International Committee of the Red Cross), Jordan |
Makau Mwatu, Orthopaedic Technologist (Association of the Physically Disabled of Kenya), Kenya |
Consolata Mwabu, An occupational therapist, a wheelchair specialist, TOT in WSTPb and WSTPi, and APDK Machakos branch coordinator (Machakos Level 5 Hospital and APDK Machakos branch), Kenya |
Marie Abou Saab, Head of Technical Aids Department (SESOBEL), Lebanon |
Ilona Ogurcova, Director (Center of technical aid for disabled people under Ministry of Social security and Labour), Lithuania |
Julia Patrick Engkasan, lecturer (University of Malaya), Malaysia |
Lindsay Spiteri, Malta |
Rhoda Garland, Executive Director (Commission for the Rights of Persons with Disability), Malta |
Emanuel Balzan, PhD Student and Researcher (University of Malta), Malta |
May Agius, Lecturer/PhD Student (University of Malta/Manchester Metropolitan University), Malta |
Juan Manuel Rivera, Physical Therapist, Mexico |
Terrie Hunt, New Zealand |
Djenana Jalovcic, Norway |
Weiqin Chen, Professor (Oslo Metropolitan University), Norway |
Tone Øderud, Reseacher (Sintef), Norway |
Ingebjørg Irgens, MD (Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital), Norway |
Aziz Ahmad, Educator (International Committee of the Red Cross), Pakistan |
Abdul Nasir, Physical Rehabilitation Training Coordinator (International Committee of the Red Cross), Pakistan |
Ahmed Issa, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs (Al Azhar University - Gaza), Palestine |
Jolanta Kujawa, Head of the Medical Rehabilitation Clinic Clini (Medical University of Lodz), Poland |
Krzysztof Dobosz, associate professor (Silesian University of Technology), Poland |
Pedro Encarnação, Portugal |
Jacqueline Patatas, Portugal |
Armando Baltazar, Portugal |
Miriam Azevedo, Engenheira Biotecnologica (Anditec), Portugal |
Luis Azevedo, CEO (ANDITEC), Portugal |
Maria Nunes, Teacher (Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa), Portugal |
Joao Paulo Barros, Professor (Instituto Politécnico de Beja), Portugal |
Célia Maria Aguiar de Sousa, Teacher and Coordinator (Instituto Politécnico de Leiria), Portugal |
Luís Garcia, Professor (Polytechnic Institute of Beja), Portugal |
Francisco Godinho, Professor (UTAD), Portugal |
Gabriela Manta, Romania |
Anca Beudean, Romania |
George Stefan, Romania |
Adrian Tonita, Romania |
Cristian-Catalin Donose, Romania |
Andreea Alexandra Ivanof, Romania |
Cristian Ispas, Executive Director (Motivation Romania Foundation), Romania |
Lidia Frolova, Vice-president (Deafskills international association), Russia |
Руслан Вялитов, Психолог, специалист АДК, IT специалист (АНО Центр Пространство Общения, Москва), Russia |
Tigran Betanian, Prosthetist/Orthotist, Russia, Armenia |
Milica Lazovic, President (Serbian Association of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine), Serbia |
Ahmed Farah, Wheelchair Technician (Somali Red Crecsent Society), Somalia |
Shantal Reddy, South Africa |
Clarissa Ross, Individual, South Africa |
Andrea Trout-Daniels, Physiotherapist, South Africa |
Riyaaz Ismail, South Africa |
Vernon Openshaw, Director: Project Administration (Afrique Rehabilitation & Research Consultants NPC), South Africa |
Diane Bell, Founder (Association for Hearing Loss Accessibility and Development (AHLAD)), South Africa |
Karen Fourie, Owner (Elementary South), South Africa |
Suzanne Leighton, HealthWise and Link2Grow (HealthWise), South Africa |
Nicky Seymour, Service development manager (Motivation), South Africa |
Anuschka Mouton, Executive Director (PIFF), South Africa |
Adri Visser, Physiotherapist (private), South Africa |
Zach Schultz, Project lead (Shonaquip), South Africa |
Ingrid Wormsbächer, Seating therapist and branch coordinator (Shonaquip), South Africa |
Jeremy Hazell, Project Development (Shonaquip Social Enterprise), South Africa |
Margaret Linegar, Part time consultant training and resource development (Shonaquip Social Enterprise), South Africa |
Hanif Kruger, Assistive Technology Centre Manager (South African National Council for the Blind), South Africa |
Shona Mcdonald, Partner (Stoep Startup), South Africa |
Thomas Franz, Professor (University of Cape Town), South Africa |
Fausto Javier Sainz de Salces, Spain |
Enrique Varela Donoso, Spain |
Txetxu Ausín, Tenured Research Fellow (Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC), Spain |
Javier Pereira Loureiro, Principal Investigator (PI) (CITIC. Talionis Research Group. Universidade da Coruña), Spain |
Mario Toboso, Tenured Scientist (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC), Spain |
Daniel López Castro (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC), Spain |
Carlos Muncharaz, Accessibility Consultant (Ilunion), Spain |
Elia Bernabeu Mira, Rehabilitation Project Manager (International Committee of the Red Cross), Spain |
Julio Abascal, Professor (Laboratory of HCI for Special Needs. University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea), Spain |
Juan Pavón, Full professor (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Spain |
Esther Mercado, Lecturer (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Spain |
Carmen Miguel Vicente, Professor (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Spain |
Pilar Parra, Teacher (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Spain |
Luis Mariano Garcia Vicente, Professor (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Spain |
Silvina Funes Lapponi, Profesora (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Spain |
Maria Begoña Leyra Fatou, Director of Gender Unit of School of Gobernance (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Spain |
Sonia Estevez, Profesora Contratada Doctora (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Spain |
M Angeles Medina, Full Professor (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Spain |
Concepción Pando, Professor (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Spain |
Alejandra García-Frank, Associate professor (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Spain |
Antonia Durán Pilo, Coordinadora de la Oficina de Inclusión de Personas con Diversidad de la UCM (Universidad Complutense de Madrid UCM), Spain |
Manuel Aparicio Paya, Professor Asociado (Universidad de Murcia), Spain |
Emiliano Díez Villoria, Researcher & Professor, Subdirector de INICO (Universidad de Salamanca - INICO), Spain |
Anton Civit, Professor (Universisdad de Sevilla), Spain |
Thais Pousada, Prof / Researcher (University of A Coruña), Spain |
Mary Scott, PO Training Coordinator (International Committee of the Red Cross), Sudan |
Margret Buchholz, Specialist Occupational Therapist (Dart - Sahlgrenska University Hospital), Sweden |
Eva Holmqvist, Occupational therapist (DART, AAC and At center in Sweden), Sweden |
John Owuor, Director (SPIDER), Sweden |
Thomas Westin, Senior Lecturer (Stockholm University), Sweden |
Helena Hemmingsson, professor (Stockholms Universitet, 106 91 Stockholm), Sweden |
Roger Gassert, Professor of Rehabilitation Engineering (ETH Zurich), Switzerland |
Marc Zlot, Program Coordinator (International Committee of the Red Cross), Switzerland |
Thomas Iwalla, Physical Rehabilitation Training Coordinator (International Committee of the Red Cross), Switzerland |
Yvan Sidler, ERP Development Advisor (International Committee of the Red Cross), Switzerland |
Coralie Rey-Mermier, Physiotherapist/ Physical Rehabilitation Programme Manager (International Committee of the Red Cross), Switzerland |
Miguel Fernandes, Rehab Specialist (International Committee of the Red Cross), Switzerland |
Jan Thomas Meyer, Doctoral Candidate (Rehabiliation Engineering Lab, ETH Zurich), Switzerland |
Rolf Frischknecht, Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine Physician (Swiss Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation), Switzerland |
Sylvie Ray-Kaeser (University of applied science and arts, occupational therapy dpt), Switzerland |
Chitra Chander Shekhar, INTERN (WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION), Switzerland |
SHIH-CHING CHEN, President (TREATS (Taiwan Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society)), Taiwan |
Subhash Sinha, Regional Manger East Africa (International Committee of the Red Cross), Tanzania |
Cosmas Mnyanyi, Head Assistive Special Technologies Unit and Head of Department of Psychology and Special Education (The Open University of Tanzania), Tanzania |
Annemarieke Bouma, The Netherlands |
Marjolein Bettink, The Netherlands |
Yolanda Regenbogen, The Netherlands |
S Verbaan, Occupational Therapist (Careyn), The Netherlands |
Eline Van den Bos, Occupational therapist (Careyn), The Netherlands |
Dennis Arnold, Occupational Therapist (De Onderwijsspecialisten), The Netherlands |
Dorine in 't Veld, productmanager tactile learning (Dedicon), The Netherlands |
Karin Murk, Occupational therapist children (Ergo Actief), The Netherlands |
Stijn Deckers, President (ISAAC-NF), The Netherlands |
Sandra Koster, Owner (Logopedie Sandra Koster), The Netherlands |
Karin Sterrenburg, Ergotherapeut (Praktijk De Den), The Netherlands |
Prof.dr. Hans van Balkom, Chair in Augmentatitative and Alternative Communication (Radboud University Nijmegen), The Netherlands |
Emma Friesen, Clinical Director (Raz Design Inc), The Netherlands |
Loes Theunissen, Speech Language Therapist (Sint Maartenskliniek), The Netherlands |
Ad van Berlo, CEO (Smart Homes), The Netherlands |
Jeanne Heijkers, researcher/lecturer (Zuyd University), The Netherlands |
Claire Huijnen, Researcher (Zuyd University), The Netherlands |
Renee Verwey, senior researcher (Zuyd University), The Netherlands |
Gerrie Bours, associate professor (Zuyd University), The Netherlands |
Edith te Lam-Borghans, Docent (Zuyd University), The Netherlands |
Esther Bols, lecturer/researcher (Zuyd University), The Netherlands |
Ruth Dalemans, Researcher (Zuyd University), The Netherlands |
Karin van Soest, Lecturer (Zuyd University), The Netherlands |
Cornelie Zillhardt, Zuyd Hogeschool (Zuyd University), The Netherlands |
Barbara Piskur, Senior researcher & educator (Zuyd University), The Netherlands |
Teun Schendzielorz, Lecturer (Zuyd University), The Netherlands |
Jolanda Friesen, Lecturer/researcher (Zuyd University), The Netherlands |
Nadine Spierts, researcher, lecturer (Zuyd University), The Netherlands |
Marieke Werrij, Lecturer (Zuyd University), The Netherlands |
Ramon Daniels, Professor (Zuyd University / Maastricht University), The Netherlands |
Edith Hagedoren, Researcher (Zuyd University of Applied Science), The Netherlands |
Petra Panis, Lecturer (Zuyd University of Applied Science), The Netherlands |
Annerie Zalmstra, manager school of occupational therapy (Zuyd University of Applied Science), The Netherlands |
Uta Roentgen, Lecturer / researcher (Zuyd University of Applied Sciences), The Netherlands |
Rianne Jansens, lecturer/researcher (Zuyd University of Applied Sciences), The Netherlands |
Renée van den Heuvel, lecturer-researcher (Zuyd University of Applied Sciences), The Netherlands |
Stephanie von Helden - Lenzen, Researcher/lecturer (Zuyd University of Applied Sciences), The Netherlands |
Vera Killen, Lecturer (Zuyd University of Applied Sciences), The Netherlands |
Erik van Rossum, professor of community care (Zuyd University of Applied Sciences), The Netherlands |
Monique Lexis, Researcher (Zuyd University of Applied Sciences), The Netherlands |
Sarah Willard, Researcher (Zuyd University of Applied Sciences), The Netherlands |
Eefje Kern, Lecturer (Zuyd University of applied sciences), The Netherlands |
Loek van der Heide, lecturer-researcher (Zuyd University of applied sciences), The Netherlands |
Jhoy Dassen, lecturer (Zuyd University of Applied Sciences), The Netherlands |
Bea Diederen, Management assistant (Zuyd University of Applied Sciences), The Netherlands |
Sandra Bedaf, Researcher (Zuyd University of Applied Sciences), The Netherlands |
Sandra Beurskens, Professor (Zuyd University of applied sciences), The Netherlands |
Tanja Klein, lecturer occupational therapy program (Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, Heerlen, the Netherlands), The Netherlands |
Paulette Wauben, project leader (Zuyd/EIZT), The Netherlands |
Asiong Jie, Hematologist (Zuyderland Medical Centre), The Netherlands |
Bernard Matagne, Prosthetist Orthotist Advisor (International Committee of the Red Cross), Togo |
Christine Tusiime, Head of Rehabilitation Services (CoRSU Rehabilitation Hospital), Uganda |
Aniyamuzaala Rwampigi James, Student (University College Dublin), Uganda |
Olena Dolynna, Research assistant (National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya), Ukraine |
Volodymyr Golyk, Deputy Chairman for International Cooperation (Ukrainian Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine), Ukraine |
Gary Wilson, United Kingdom |
James Foy, Senior Specialist Rehabilitation Engineer, United Kingdom |
Anna Reeves, CEO (Ace Centre), United Kingdom |
Will Wade, Senior AAC Consultant (Ace Centre), United Kingdom |
Selwyn Lloyd, CEO (Audazzle), United Kingdom |
Eleni Hatzidimitriadou, Head of Research and Enterprise (Canterbury Christ Church University), United Kingdom |
Mark Hawley, Director (Centre for Assistive Technology and Connected Healthcare, University of Sheffield), United Kingdom |
William Payre, Research Fellow (Coventry University), United Kingdom |
Sam Simpson, Head of Research & Business Development (Exceed Worldwide), United Kingdom |
Clive Gilbert, Freelance Research Consultant and Writer (Freelance Research Consultant and Writer), United Kingdom |
Ian Hamilton, Director (IHDC), United Kingdom |
Philip Hoare, Procurement Advisor / Manager (International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness), United Kingdom |
Amanda Wilkinson, CEO (Motivation), United Kingdom |
David Constantine, Founder Director (Motivation), United Kingdom |
Theresa Rees, N.A. (None), United Kingdom |
Christine Hemphill, Managing Director (Open Inclusion), United Kingdom |
Steve Lee, Founder (OpenDirective), United Kingdom |
Esther Dakin-Poole, Head of Education & Development (Smile Smart Technology), United Kingdom |
Nachiappan Chockalingam, Director, Centre for Biomechanics and Rehabiliation Technologies (Staffordshire University), United Kingdom |
Aoife Healy, Associate Professor (Staffordshire University), United Kingdom |
Peter Cheer, Director (The Open University), United Kingdom |
Barry Bentley, Associate Lecturer (The Open University), United Kingdom |
Amanda Harrington-Vail, Tutor and Consultant (The Open University), United Kingdom |
Laura Puente, Associate Lecturer (The Open University), United Kingdom |
Annalu Waller, Computing (University of Dundee), United Kingdom |
Laurence Kenney, Professor in Rehabilitation Technologies (University of Salford), United Kingdom |
Peter Cudd, Senior Researcher (University of Sheffield), United Kingdom |
Luc de Witte (University of Sheffield), United Kingdom |
Alex Dickinson, Associate Professor (University of Southampton), United Kingdom |
Nicholas Evans, Associate professor (University of Southampton), United Kingdom |
Cheryl Metcalf, Principal Enterprise Fellow (University of Southampton), United Kingdom |
Julie Reeves, Researcher Developers (University of Southampton), United Kingdom |
EA Draffan, Senior Research Fellow (University of Southampton), United Kingdom |
Sarah Day, Teaching Fellow (University of Strathclyde), United Kingdom |
Danielle Fowler, United States of America |
Patricia Karg, United States of America |
Barbara Crane, United States of America |
Ray Grott, United States of America |
Chad Philip Johnson, Engineer (Anacronist Software), United States of America |
Joe Kells, Director (Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired), United States of America |
Kirsta von Hellens, Assistive Technology Practitioner (Berkeley County School District), United States of America |
Sandy Plotin, Managing Director (Center on Disabilities, California State University, Northridge), United States of America |
Theresa Defosse, Rehab Tech Coordinator (Children's Specialized Hospital), United States of America |
Jayne Cravens, Head (coyotecommunications.com), United States of America |
Linda-Jeanne Elsaesser, President (Elsaesser Consulting), United States of America |
Joanne Grady Huskey, Vice President (iLive2Lead), United States of America |
Mary Goldberg, Co-Director (Initiative to Mobilize Partnerships for Successful Assistive Technology Technology Transfer), United States of America |
Marcia Scherer, President (Institute for Matching Person & Technology), United States of America |
Megan D'Innocenzo, Coordinator (International Society of Wheelchair Professionals), United States of America |
Krithika Kandavel, Research and Training Coordiantor (International Society of Wheelchair Professionals (ISWP)), United States of America |
Katie Schultz, Assistive Technology Program Director (Milwaukee VAMC), United States of America |
George McKinlay (Nevada Assistive Technology Resource Center), United States of America |
Andreas Lopez, Owner (Omakase Consult), United States of America |
Brandon Biggs, Chief Financial Officer (Sonja Biggs Educational Services, Inc), United States of America |
Rose Vallejo, University (University of New Mexico), United States of America |
Collin Kather, Student Resarcher (University of Pennsylvania), United States of America |
Sushil Oswal, Professor (University of Washington), United States of America |
In case you notice a mispelling or an error in your name/organisation, or if you would want to be removed from this list, please email to Dominique dot Archambault at univ-paris8 dot fr.